What our Clients are Saying

“The Freed Nutrition program really focuses on helping you understand your current relationship with food and how to help make that relationship healthier. Her videos not only give nutritional facts but also use examples from her own life, so it makes it personable. The activities are super helpful and made my meal planning during the week easier. She taught me to focus more on eating the foods that make me feel healthy, even if it’s not always “healthy food”, instead of only eating dry chicken and brown rice and getting disappointed when I step on the scale. I would recommend Natalie and her program to anyone looking to leave diets for good.”

- Brittany F.

“My name is Debbie. I signed up for the Freed Nutrition 1-1 Coaching Program thinking I would be learning to cook nutritious meals for myself and my family and that would be it. This program was so much more than that!

Before I started Natalie’s program, I never gave much thought to how my emotions might be causing me to eat in a particular way. In addition to a very stressful job, I had a rotating work shift that interfered with regular meals. On top of that, I took care of a sick aunt when I wasn’t working. Extremely stressful days tended to cause me to eat whatever I could grab that was quick and easy. I always had the excuse that I did not have the time which I thought was true.

Natalie’s program helped me to focus on my emotions and taught me how I could change my results, especially on those stressful days. She even showed me how I could fit exercise into my busy schedule without making it more stressful. In fact, she has helped me to greatly reduce my stress level by teaching me to think outside the box and has changed my focus on food and exercise. I have been able to create some new eating behaviors and make my life simpler and I feel more energetic.

I feel like I have gained a whole new perspective on nutrition and exercise! I did like her program videos because I could do them at my own pace, but my weekly phone calls with undivided attention made the program all about me! What I liked best about the whole thing was that she did not try to make me fit into her program. She tailored the program to what I needed for my life. I have never had that from any other health program. Thank you so much Natalie for all the effort you put into helping me every week. I will miss the weekly phone calls. I really loved working with you. I would recommend “Freed Nutrition” to my friends and family and anyone else who wants to follow a healthier lifestyle and needs help making it happen!!!!!”

- Debbie

I found myself enjoying the assignments and feeling inspired, which if I’m being honest, I did not expect at all. I especially appreciated that you included personal anecdotes each week, I felt more connected to you and the program. In addition, I really liked that you continually stated the importance of realizing that mistakes will happen throughout the course, and to not let each bump deter you from your eventual goal. After completing the course, I found myself unintentionally applying the same ways of thinking to various aspects of my own life and considering how I may change those aspects to benefit my future. After watching your videos, I felt as though I would be comfortable enough to discuss my own struggles, something I rarely do, without judgment from you. I appreciate that you shared many of your own personal struggles, and through that vulnerability, you have allowed others to do the same with you. 

It was an amazing program and I am so happy to have had the opportunity to participate!

- Summer

Before I started Freed Nutrition I was struggling to take care of my basic needs. Feeding myself felt entirely overwhelming, which resulted in me skipping meals and losing weight. Having an autoimmune disease that restricts my food choices took the fun out of eating, so I felt uninspired to cook meals. I struggled with setting boundaries (for myself and others) and holding myself accountable, which made me feel even more incapable of taking care of myself. 

After having Natalie as a nutritionist and health coach, I feel more love and respect for myself and my wellbeing. I am still working on prioritizing myself and my needs, but I feel so much more worthy of the time, effort, and care that it takes to do that. I feel more confident in who I am, how I look, what I have to offer this world, how to take care of myself, and how to create my ideal life. Coming from a background of self-loathing, to get to a place of self-love and compassion was something I never anticipated, but am now eternally grateful for. I can give myself grace and recognize my resilience with ease. 

My favorite part of the program (by far) was the 1-on-1 weekly calls with Natalie. She is such an understanding and gentle person, but she also knows how to motivate and encourage changes effectively. She has so much to offer beyond nutritional knowledge -- she helped me tremendously with my business and personal goals, as well as mindset.

I would highly recommend Natalie's program for anyone struggling with confidence, food or weight. She is one of the most uplifting, authentic, and positive people to interact with. I am so grateful to have been able to experience this program, and I can't wait to see how many people become inspired by Natalie's work. She has become a confidant and friend after so many weeks of discussing struggles and celebrating accomplishments. She is an invaluable person to have on your team! Any goals you have, Natalie will give you the tools and encouragement to accomplish them. 

- Kylie

“If you are ready to take back your life and health, this program is for you. After struggling for years with an eating disorder and now walking through the healing process, this program helped me to continue my journey to a healthy relationship not only with food, but also my body and mind! Even if you don’t struggle with food, this course is jam-packed with information to help you make healthy, informed decisions in day to day life, from the grocery store to your daily routines. I cannot recommend Natalie and this course enough. She walks you through each step so there is absolutely no confusion on any topic, and no stone is left unturned.”

- Sarah

A couple of months ago I broke my leg and didn’t really have a way to exercise so I decided to put all my energy into my nutrition and eating to support my body. I noticed physical changes and I’ve lost around 15 pounds but still felt like I wasn’t confident or happy with the way I looked. I didn’t understand why my confidence of self love didn’t immediately improve…through doing this program I have learned so much about loving myself and setting myself up to feel good. I started focusing on wearing clothes that feel good, actively stopped comparing myself to others and tried to do the body image activity every couple days. I’ve noticed I have a healthier mindset and I feel like I’ve been so much nicer to myself. Natalie provides such amazing advice and I love that she uses her experiences to help you feel like you aren’t alone. I feel like I’m no longer just doing the physical work but I’m doing the mental work too. 

- Alicia

This program has already helped me think about myself differently. I now have the tools I need to become the confident, sexy woman I’ve always felt was there but couldn’t find. Its so nice knowing I have supportive and kind women feeling the same way I do. Thank you so much for creating such a profound program that I can keep using for a lifetime! You’re such an amazing coach and leader! Thank you for providing the tools that have helped me become confident in my skin. 

- Laura

Before I started working with Natalie, I was struggling with negative thoughts surrounding food and my body. My mindset was really just anxious and hopeless thinking I could never change. 

Since my calls with Natalie started, I feel like every discussion leaves me hungry for more- no pun intended, or maybe it was! She has such a beautiful and thoughtful way of communicating and making you feel like we can do hard things and we can change our mindset surrounding our bodies and what we put in them. 

Honestly, my favorite part of this journey is that she makes me feel SO comfortable - like I’m talking to a friend! Natalie has really achieved a way to help people struggling with body, mind, and food. Anyone that is struggling with body image knows what I mean- it’s really a sensitive topic. I absolutely felt supported, encouraged and hopeful!!

I do want to throw out an unexpected “win” I had during our time together. Before I started working with Natalie, I was 155lb and I’m currently at 148lbs, not that it’s huge or anything but I’m honestly shocked that I’m able to lose weight and I’ve still been doing the fun stuff like going to beer gardens at the fair with my family. 

I really would suggest anyone thinking about it- take the leap!!! She’s really changed the way I feel about myself!

- Ashley